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V Международный симпозиум по неравновесным процессам, плазме, горению и атмосферным явлениям (NEPCAP-2012)

The Organizing Committee of the Fifth International Symposium on Non-equilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion, and Atmospheric Phenomena (to be held in Sochi (Loo), Russia, October 1-6, 2012) invites you to participate in the Symposium.

Kinetics of elementary processes in plasma, combustion, and atmosphere.
Fundamentals of ignition and combustion of organic, metallized, and synthetic fuels.
Physics of shock and detonation waves.
Novel combustion concepts including plasma-assisted and laser-induced combustion.
Physics and chemistry of high speed gas flows.
Novel physical and chemical propulsion concepts.
Combustion, laser and plasma generated aerosols and nanoparticles.
Plasma, laser and combustion assisted technologies, fuel reforming, nanomaterials and surface treatment.
Gaseous and particulate pollutant formation and pollution control.
Impact of pollutant emission on the atmospheric processes and climate.

Крайний срок представления тезисов докладов: 1 апреля 2012 г.

Рабочий язык симпозиума - английский.

Даты проведения: с 01.10.2012 по 06.10.2012
Регистрация: c 01.04.2012 по 15.06.2012
Место проведения: г. Сочи, Лоо.

Сайт конференции: http://www.nepcap2012.ciam.ru

Контактная информация

Email: star@ciam.ru
Тел: (+7-495) 3616468
Факс: (+7-495) 3620373

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