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Future-Learning2010 3rd International Conference on “Innovations in Learning for the Future 2010: e-Learning”

First Eurasia Meeting of GeoGebra (EMG)
May 11-13, 2010
Istanbul-European Capital of Culture 2010, TURKEY

Aim and Scope
The use of computers in dynamic and interactive visualizations both in mathematics and mathematics education has been widely accepted. Visualization of the mathematical concepts helps students develop a better understanding of these concepts and provides opportunities to connect with applied sciences. In order to promote conceptual understanding in mathematics, a learning environment is expected to explicit the connections among the concepts and to provide multiple representations in the sense that many scholars described.
GeoGebra as a dynamic mathematics software combines numeric, visual, and algebraic representations. It provides multiple representations of mathematical objects and their connections in the graphical, algebraic, and spreadsheet views. Moreover, all these representations are linked dynamically. As the result of research explored the use and benefits of this contemporary environment, a corpus of literature has been accumulated. This Eurasia Meeting of GeoGebra (EMG) will be a right place to share literature and research results as well as to elaborate the ideas emerged in the First International GeoGebra Conference.
Furthermore, GeoGebra is free, online, and open source software and is translated into 48 different languages by volunteers. These features of GeoGebra become more valuable if we consider socio-economic structure of the region. Any institute regardless of their economic and geographical circumstances could benefit from GeoGebra and contribute to the pool created by GeoGebra volunteers.

Даты проведения: с 11.05.2010 по 13.05.2010
Регистрация: c 01.12.2009 по 30.01.2010
Место проведения: Стамбул, Турция

Сайт конференции: http://futurelearning.org.tr

Контактная информация

Адрес: 3. Uluslararası Gelecek İçin Öğrenme Alanında Yenilikler Konferansı 2010: e-Öğrenme İstanbul Üniversitesi Enformatik Bölümü 16 Mart Şehitleri Cad. Dr. Şevket Apt. No: 22/24 (Vezneciler Kız Yurdu Karşısı) Vezneciler-Beyazıt
Email: thorzum@ahievran.edu.tr
Тел: +90 258 296 1163
Факс: +90 212 440 0086

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